CAD-COLOR® Application instructions
Heat transfer vinyls (HTVs) are designed to be printed at a specific temperature. The exact printing parameters are important to ensure a high-quality print with high wash stability.
To support you when working with our CAD-COLOR®, STAHLS' Europe provides you with free proofing instructions for all HTVs.
Download the instructions for your HTVs now!
Our CAD-COLOR® films can be designed as desired. These printable textile printing films come in many different versions, such as CAD-COLOR® Glitter, CAD-COLOR® Solvent Flock or CAD-COLOR® Premium.
CAD-COLOR® SportsFilm

CAD-COLOR® Sublistop

CAD-COLOR® SuperTEK™ Sublistop

CAD-COLOR® Premium

CAD-COLOR® SuperTEK™ Clear Matt

CAD-COLOR® Glitter

CAD-COLOR® Glow In The Dark

CAD-COLOR® Solvent Flock

CAD-COLOR® Subli Flock